What can our Business Solutions team do for you?
Natasha Eaton B2B Account Manager: Hi, my name is Natasha and I work on the business solutions department here at EasyAsHGV. I look after all of our corporate accounts ranging from over 100 drivers, and from smaller accounts as well, which would be exactly the same process.
Tom McGhie Managing Director: For our business clients, we do a complete service from start to finish. We look after the medicals, provisional application, theory revision, helping the guys revise if there’s anything they’re stuck on, the booking of the theory test, the practical training, and the test, while feeding back to the company the progress of each candidate.
Natasha Eaton: I’ll also be their one point of contact for any transport managers, HR departments, so if they have any issues, any questions, they’ll always come to me. So, I will take basically the stress out of their job. We always have a really strong relationship with our point of contacts. And they always know that there’s a really friendly voice at the other end of the phone.
Chris Davenport Compliance & Risk Manager, Grafton Merchanting (EasyAsHGV customer): What I feel that separates EasyAsHGV is the fact that they are nationally based. Again, if we look to do this ourselves, we’d have to use several training companies to do this. Whereas we can hand it over to one supplier, and it can be completed right through to the end.
Natasha Eaton: We also have progress trackers that help our point of contacts if they need it, especially if we’ve got an account that’s over sort of 100 drivers. It’s really simple for them to see the progress of each driver.
Tom McGhie: We have the theory revision training on their phone. It’s on an app. They can check that 24/7. They can do mock tests, revise certain sections, they’re not sure about. It’s so the support in the office is 09:00-18:00, but 24/7 on their phone.
Sam Pepper Training Advisor: One thing that we pride ourselves on is our extremely high pass rates. We have our own online material that you can access on your mobile phone, tablet, laptop, computer.
Chris Davenport: If somebody else was considering using EasyAsHGV, I would highly recommend them certainly from administration process through to completion. They make life very easy. When candidates finish the course, we get really good feedback. If there’s any issues, they contact EasyAsHGV. Any issues are resolved quickly and efficiently. And they’re seen through the right to completion.
Tom McGhie: Since EasyAsHGV has incorporated, B2B has always been a huge part of our business. For us, it’s second nature doing this process. Businesses differ in many ways, structure, size, timescales, processes, but we’re used to them all. It’s what we do.